365 Project daughter and chick

      April was a busy month. First all the excitement and build-up for Easter which we spent at Jenne Farm on Whidbey Island. We made several visits to a Seattle hardware store with baby chicks and mailed (in the U.S. mail!) a very important letter to the Easter Bunny letting him know our whereabouts for that crucial day.

      Whidbey and Jenne Farm are my happy place, our happy place. At the farm we saw: cows, goats, chickens, baby pigs (only 8 weeks old!), barn swallows, bunnies (wild), deer, eagles, and a snake. My husband brought a few small rockets and we sent them flying in a field near the farm. We were gifted two special “Bunny rocks” by a lovely woman who is one of the many Whidbey Island Rocks artists. And thankfully, the Easter Bunny left his mark in the grass and shrubs surrounding the farmhouse. Whidbey and Jenne Farm are so peaceful and beautiful. I love visiting the island.

      365 Project and Whidbey Island

      Back at the ranch (ours) we celebrated Winnie the cat’s second birthday (Wally turned two in March). I spent a lot of time working on macro photography, because at this time of year there is no shortage of willing subject matter! Our garden is coming to life: leaves on trees, flowers blooming, plants in every shape, hue and texture coming up everywhere…which is why April is one of my favorite months of the year.

      365 Project macro flower

      And with that, here’s April!

      365 Project April

      Life is but a snapshot in time,

